I am getting ready to do a new scout visit today and thought some of you might be interested in the Welcome Letter I give to all new Webelos Parents. Obviously you'd need to change the information to match your calendar and goals. Note that is for an LDS scouting unit.

Welcome to Webelos
The goal of Webelos (short for “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts”) is to prepare a boy to enter Boy Scouting.
your scout will need:
• Webelos Book ($8.99)
• Blue or Tan Scout shirt ($24.99+)
• Webelos neckerchief ($7.99)
• Neckerchief slide (the official slide ($4.99) or a homemade one)
• Webelos colors ($4.99) or Webelos hat ($12.99) (to display badges)
• Long Pants (if participating in a flag ceremony)
Activity Badges (pins): 20 different badges are available for a boy to earn in his time in Webelos. Our den will cover 13 of them. A boy can earn 3 at camp (in July) and 3 at Cub-o-Ree (in September) and must work on the Fitness Badge at home. Aquanaut will not be covered but may be done with parents. A boy may earn all 20 badges, but it is NOT required. Boys earning all 20 badges at the time of Arrow of Light may earn the Super 20 patch.
Religious Knot: If not already awarded, a Webelos should complete his religious knot. The religious knot is earned by completing the activities in the Faith in God book that have a knot symbol by them.
Webelos Rank Badge: Earned 3-6 months after entering Webelos. Boys must have finished Fitness (to be completed at home), Citizen and one other. He also must demonstrate the scout salute, sign, handshake, oath, law, motto and slogan and have earned the Religious Knot. There are a few other requirements, all outlined in detail in the Webelos book.
Compass Point Emblem: After receiving the Webelos Rank, a Webelos can earn the Compass Point Emblem after completing seven Activity Badges. For each additional 4 badges completed, he will be awarded a compass point, up to a total of three compass points.
Arrow of Light: Earned after being active in Webelos for a year. A Webelo must understand the Scout Oath, Promise, 12 Points of the Scout Law, motto, slogan, sign, salute, handshake, scout uniform and square knot. He must complete at least 7 Activity Badges and
go on a day hike with the den. He must also meet with the Scoutmaster, and a few other requirements as outlined in the Webelos Handbook.
How you can help your Scout to be successful:
• Make sure he comes to meetings.
• Help him obtain and wear the correct uniform and display patches and awards when earned.
• Help him bring and keep track of his Webelos handbook and Faith in God books
• Check your email/calendars for home assignments, reminders and up-coming dates.
• Finish home assignments and send us emails, texts or notes to let us know when things are completed.
• Communicate with us any concerns or conflicts.
• Be familiar with what is in the Handbook. Things like camping and traveling help boys with requirements.
• Practice the Scout motto, oath, etc. at home. Quiz him when he least expects it.
Things that MUST be finished at home:
• An adult member of the family must read the Webelos Scout Parent Guide (pgs 1-22) and sign in the book on page 49 #1 when complete (During the first month or two).
• The Fitness Badge (p.246) must be finished in the first 6 months that a boy is in Webelos.
• The Religious Knot requires a lot of family involvement, including teaching a FHE lesson.
• Family Member Badge has several requirements that can only be done at home, including attending four family meetings and inspecting your home for hazards.
• For Outdoorsman a boy must sleep in a tent that he has helped pitch.
• The Athlete badge requires a boy to practice and improve in several areas over a 30 day period.
Some things Your Webelos is probably already doing, that can help pass of Webelos requirements:
• Artist badge: sculpting clay, or making an art construction
• Communicator: emailing a friend, search the internet
• Craftsman: building his space/pinewood derby vehicle
• Family Member: Clean the house for a month, do the family’s laundry 2x
• Handyman: wash a car, inflate bike wheels, take care of the lawn
• Naturalist: visit a museum or zoo
• Outdoorsman: cook and clean up a meal while camping
• Scholar: have good grades and attendance in school, take part in a school activity
• Showman: play a tune on an instrument, attend a play
• Sportsman: If your scout is participating in a sport, he’s probably already filled the requirement for that sport’s belt loop.
• Traveler: take a trip by car, bus, boat, or plane. Help pack for a two day or longer trip.
Belt Loops and Pins
We will be earning a few belt loops including: communicator, language or math, a team sport, an individual sport and computers. But there are many, many, more available for your boy to earn if he would like. You can learn about them by Goggling “cub scout belt loops”. If your Webelos has met the requirements for a belt loop or pin, just let one of the Webelos Leaders know.
Meeting Times
Our den meetings are _________________ at ________________________. There will be no den meetings the week of Pack Meeting, which is usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Occasionally we will take some field trips or do some Saturday hikes, which we will let you know about in advance. When there is a 5th Thursday in a month, we will focus on Faith in God at that meeting.
Faith in God
There are many things that we are doing in Webelos that cross over with the Faith in God program. When there is a 5th Thursday in a month, we will focus on Faith in God activities.
Webelos Leaders
Contact Info: